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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Response From My Senator Regarding Illegals


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Well, just when I thought I had written to my senator only to have it fall on deaf ears, I must say that I got a great response from Saxby Chambliss, Georgia Senator. In his response he has stated his views on the illegal immigrant issue and border security. This includes that fact that he is fighting for more border patrols, more equipment and does not agree with any form of amnesty for those here.

As he stated we are a country of immigrants, but we are also a country of laws, which must be enforced. He does not support the latest views of the senate to grant any type of amnesty and states he will continue to fight to keep that from becoming a reality. I hereby give him high marks for his beliefs and will support him on these issues.

Karl, as you can see, at least not all efforts fall on deaf ears. Thanks for your persistance on getting people to get involved. Maybe together, we can get the results this country deserves. swamp_thing

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Way to go, Swamp_Thing. This is how it works. We all have a responsibility to communicate our thoughts and reasoning on issues, whether it falls on deaf ears or not, whether it is popular or not, whether it causes trouble or not. Without this type of input from rank-and-file Americans, our country will be guided only by paid lobbiests, special interests, or (shudder) the frickin' media.


I think this also reinforces the value of this particular, and sometimes criticized areas of the board - it gives us a chance to freely try out our ideas before we unleash them to wider audiences.


Hurrah! for you efforts, and thank you!

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Thank you Doble for the positive response. I must say that it feels much better knowing that I have taken the time to make an effort to let my views be known. It is far too easy to sit back and complain while doing nothing, then wondering why things only get worse. Not going to be the case with me again. I will take my stand with the issues and let that stand be heard. Again, thank you. Well spoken words sir. swamp_thing

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Just one question (and I only wish upon you the best), but was the reply from the Senator himself or his aide?


My son was an aide to several state officials during his time in the capitol (Austin), but I know for a fact that many of the repllies he sent out were never seen by the Senator.


May your milleage differ.



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Hopefully swamp_thing heard from his representative directly, but I agree that there's a good chance that it was a staffer. But according to what (little) I know of how these offices are run, careful records are kept of constituent's correspondence with summares of for- and against- specific issues. Worst case, swamp_thing has made his opinion part of these opinion summaries, which WILL make a difference.


In addition he did his best to TRY to make a difference which should be applauded by us all.

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fritz, you bring up a valid question which I had considered and very possibly it was an aid, but I have no way of knowing. I would like to think that the senator responded but cannot verify that. I did let him know that my future voting choices would be decided upon which actions he takes on matters such as this. Having said that, I would bet that as Doble states he will at least get the general drift of my letter reported to him in one way or another. The fact that I got any responce is more than many politicians would do, so I guess I consider myself somewhat fortunate. Now I only have to observe his further actions to see if my letter and the voices of others are indeed heard. swamp_thing

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All letters/calls/emails to a senator or congressman will be recorded as pro or con. The politician will get a breakdown from his/her aide as to how many of each there were.


He/she will then instruct the aide to send out the appropriate response to each of the pros, and each of the cons.


That's the way it works. It all comes down to how the elected official will react when it comes time for him/her to vote on the bill/resolution/issue.


Hopefully, he/she will vote the way of the majority responds to them. At least that's the way it's supposed to work.


Your state may differ.



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  • 2 weeks later...

swamp_thing's efforts prompted me to send the following email to my President, Congressmen and Representative (I hope someone will read it):


Dear President Bush, Senators Dole and Roberts, and Representative Butterfield.


I am a law abiding American and given the difficulties and violence associated with our world today believe that it is my obligation to be armed and prepared at all times to defend the life and liberty of my family and our friends within the community in which we live.


This is clearly the definition of milita intended by our founding fathers.


Because of this conviction I have lawfully obtained a permit to carry a concealed handgun. Unfortunately this permit is considered a privilige by my state (rather than a constitutional right) and is subject to many special conditions which renders it only marginally useful in-terms of self-, family- and community-defense.


I believe that as a law-abiding American that I should be able to remained armed wherever I feel that I may be needed to defend my life and liberty, and that of my family and community.


I am not currently able to remain lawfully armed (and I believe these restrictions are unconstitutional, but despite this remain law-abiding) are: restaurants that serve alcohol and educational institutions (including attendance of college sporting events). My family enjoys eating at several restaurants in the community that serve alcohol, and also enjoy attending sporting events held by the local university. Of the activities that my family wishes to participate in, these are usually the most threatening to me as head-of-household in-terms of a threat of violence. I do have a choice to not participate in these activities, and have considered this, but have concluded that such anti-social approaches are fundamentally anti-American.


I believe that limiting my freedom to remain armed when visiting these places is also fundamentally anti-American and unconstitutional.


I encourage all of you to support legislation to reverse the unconstitutional restriction of Americans to bear arms where and when they feel that they should.




Ken Soderstrom

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Oh, did the president speak? I must have missed it.


I heard that he was supposed to adress the nation, but to tell you the truth, I have heard it all before. It makes no never mind to me now what he has to say (and that goes double for his dummy puppet Cheny).


I was taking mrs fritz out to dinner during the time slot he obtained to lie to the people once again. And I believe I am the better for it.



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