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"[C]ome the November elections, the Republican Party may get exactly what it deserves from disgusted voters—namely, a swift kick in the pants. Whereas, on [the other] hand, it is necessary to ask whether the voters deserve what they'd get by giving the Republicans what they deserve." —William Murchison


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whether the voters deserve what they'd get...


1) State-run health care ala the UK and Canada.

2) Shameful withdrawal from Iraq and capitulation to terrorists in the Middle East.

3) Increased domestic terror ala Isreal.

4) Higher taxes.

5) Delayed economic slow-down (about six years following the tax increases).

6) Less-effective public education at an increased cost.

7) Increased support for "under-represented" groups (including those like La Raza) at the expense of the majority.

8) The potential of embarrassing irresponsible behavior on the part of the leadership.

9) Billary.

10) Additional support for further infringement of our Second Ammendment rights.

11) Federal sympathy to those who would like to California-/New England-ize the rest of the country.


Guys, anti-Republican doesn't equal pro-Democrat. I can understand some of the disappointment with the current administration, but do you really think this nation will be better led by liberals? It was Ross Perot that brought us Clinton. Voting isn't necessarily "for" a party or philosophy. Sometimes it comes-down to choosing a lesser evil. Don't be re-electing Billary by voting against the current administration. Hopefully a strong alternative candidate will emerge.

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With the two party system we use for 90%+ of our government, voting against the Republicans means helping the Democrats - and vice versa.


I looked into my crystal ball and there was no viable third party candidate for the upcoming national election. Therefore, I'll be voting Republican on the national level.


I'm still voting for Kinky Friedman for governor though.

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I know what you mean. Why is it I feel like not voting would be like not helping out a 30 y/o child who has never been weaned into adulthood? Bailing him or her out would save the child for now, but won't teach him any lessons about making the right decisions. Sorry, but if somebody only cares when it is time to vote, I'm not wasting my time. I may just let them lose and learn. Yes, the consequences are scary, but what's best for the long run?

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Well, I'm just about of the opinion that it's to late for anything other than bloodshed to really turn things around.We have pretty much lost control of our government and I don't see things gettin' any better.DT's line about sometimes it comes down to voting for the lesser of two evils about caused me to choke I laughed so hard ,not because I'd not heard that many times before but because it was such an understatement.I ride hell of my elected office holders and have told them about the same as what FC has said here but with a twist.... there are some issues I will agree to dissagree with them on but there are also some that I won't and if you get crossways of me on one of them SCREW YOU I'll give my vote,my money and my time to the other person and do everything possible to put them out of a job just for spite,let the chips fall where they may.Yea I know, I'm a hateful,selfish but so what, I can be.It's my vote my tax dollars and my Constitution that they are walkin' on. Jim

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I could take issue with a few of the "articles upcoming" posted by DT, but I won't waste my time on a forum dominated by those who (like I) tend to be a bit on the right when it comes time to vote.


Right or left, what the hell difference does it make when we are getting screwed by both sides? History says that when a certain party screws up, the next election goes against them.


I'm sure we are all going to stay up late on election night, to find out who is going to screw us next!



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Guest Uncle Goldwater

It is high time the Republican Party fielded a candidate with a big set of Cojones!

Remember to Vote


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