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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Israel On The Move


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I hope they finish it this time. The sandies have been shooting missiles at them for months since the fence went up, before that they would do the suicide bombers. The Israelis really were patient for a long time. Then with the last kidnapping thing, they finally had enough. I mean, these sandies must be thinking, Oh, that got their attention. It is like poking a pit bull. Eventually it will get tired of bieng nice and bite back.


I was in Haifa in '82, the last time they invaded Lebanon. I see Haifa is being hit now.


You know, I sometimes wonder if the Israelis aren't playing us with the Palestinians. Like "Give us money for 'peace' or we'll just exterminate them all like the bible says we should have done three thousand years ago." The rest of the world says "Oh, Oh, don't do that, here's some money for 'peace.'" The Palestinians are too stupid to see they are just being used, by everyone including their leaders. Arafat was worth billions from graft on the money for the refugees. It is like the staving in Africa. If you feed them, build them infrastructure so they can create their own jobs, etc., then there would be no reason to give them any more money. So, take the money for aid and sock it away in Switzerland (or the Bahamas or wherever the "in" place is today) and the money will keep coming.



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The Arab world is on the brink of it's own October Revolution and the whole ruling elite will go the way of the aristocrats in 1917.


The Arab elites know this and cannot or will not introduce any sort of real social change.


So they have to keep the "mob" distracted.


Hating the Christian are especially the Jews is a time honored to focus the attention of the "street".


The Arabs do have some reason to hate the Jews, no-one likes to lose 4 wars and pride is the lever that the elites use to move the masses.


Still, France and Germany seem to have made peace so it can be done.


Yet the "kings" won't they have too much to lose.



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If WWIII hasn't started yet, it very well might if things get much further out of hand.


Whether it be the Middle East or North Korea, I see the next global war being between us and China. Both of us need oil (the Middle East), both of us have an interest in the Korean Peninsula, both of us have large standing armies, and both of us are capable of terrible destruction if it comes down to it.


All it would take to send the Middle East down the tubes is for Israel to invade Syria and/or Iran. I think if they were to invade one, the other would fall in to after the Israelies. If this creates a severe world shortage of petroleum, the major powers will take action and we would have to make some type of military action to bail out Israel and who knows where that would lead.


I also see Europe more or less sitting this one out. Who does that leave?


The question that worries me is can we really kick the World's ass?


And out of curiosity, did you guys ask these same questions 25 years ago during the Cold War?

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25 years ago the old USSR had thousands of atomic weapons, tens of thousands of tank, aircraft and infantry.


The ENTIRE armed might of the world that may be arrayed against us is nothing of that order or even near it.


I don't think that Syria or Iran want to go to war with Israel, even if they won, and I don't think they would, the


damage done would be in the Billions and among those killed would be the leaders.







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