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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

A Little South In Everyone!


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Last week the motor to our AC fan blew - took-out one of those old screw-in type breakers and a streach of wiring. I got into a car accident (with an angry and untruthful Muslim who made a left into my path) on the way to Home Depot for parts. $1500 damage to my Contour and had to swap a flat with the spare (in sweltering heat). Fortuneately it was abundantly obvious who was at fault, but unfortunately it turns-out that he has Allstate insurance who are the most awful people to deal with... Limped the Contour back home and got the old truck to Home Depot just before it closed. I had a spare motor on hand and got it hooked up and it ran beautifully...in the wrong direction. Rewired it so it turned the right direction and blew the starter coil, and finally figured-out that my band saw motor would work perfectly. About 3 am the house started cooling down. My wife is an Oregonian and doesn't deal with the heat and humidity well. Success was a marital imperative. Earlier this week the breaker fuse serving the AC compressor decided to quit working - this one I couldn't diagnose or treat myself and so we baked until the next day until the professionals arrived. Fortuneatly we have competent professionals. I suspect that with counseling that my marriage will be out of the woods by Fall - assuming we don't have any more AC problems.


Sometimes I really wonder how the South was populated before AC was discovered.

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If this weather pattern continues, maybe them yankees will get "acclimated" to all that heat, like we have done.


I remember basic training in San Antonio (90 miles from home) during July. Several of them yankee boys just passed out on a relatively mild day (for S.A.) after drilling outside in the sun. Some of the squads had a carport type of shelter, and they kept drilling while our squad went inside when the red flag went up. I'm not sure, but I believe 90 degrees sent the flag up. That must have been a mild summer, or we never would have learned to march!


I remember what the drill sgt. said to the yankees. Referring to a local recruit, he asked him to tell these yankees when it gets hot in Texas. The answer was August. The sgt. then told the guys that they better be through with their training before then. That and the threat of being sent straight to 'nam (for flunkees) got everybody on schedule.




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I hear ya! My entire household is heated and cooled by one massive window unit. Since I'm a cheapskate, I don't run the air during the day while I'm gone - instead I have one box fan propped in the bedroom window pushing air in and a box fan in the living room window pulling air out. This keeps the air temp inside bearable. That and the giant live oak I live under which shades me from the sun's heat in the afternoon.


Anyway, last weekend I was home and decided to finally turn the a/c on. However, the main breaker outside which was God knows how old had gotten weak on me and would only tolerate ~20 mins of a/c before it tripped and put the entire house in the dark. After the third time it did this, I was forced to rethink things. I left for a friends house when the interior temp hit a very muggy 95*.


A quick call to the store on Monday had a brand new CH2100 waiting on my desk when I got back from lunch. 15 mins and screwdriver later and my a/c was blowing snowballs at me!!!


I guess we're just used to it. Its hot outside, hell its damn hot outside, but its nothing we haven't seen before. I guess that's much different than what the people to the North are used to though. They like all that snow and ice. Me, I hate snow with a passion...

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