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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Lung Report


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Went for a overdue 90 day check up. I've been having problems with medicines since the surgery. Some of my inhalers just didn't seem to be working. There was one I was on for awhile (samples from doctor) that worked real well. It's brand name is Advair, however it is so expensive that the V.A. will not supply it. They use 3 different drugs to achieve the same treatment. However I was allergic to one of those drugs. After consulting with my inplant Doctor we applied for a special program for reduced cost medicines and I was accepted. Advair costs $200.00 for a 30 day supply my cost will be $10.00 for a 60 day supply. As I only get $956.00 a month on disability there was no way I could afford this medicine on my own.

My numbers for the breathing test are still going up and with the right meds I'm really feeling great. Have to watch myself as I will overdue because I feel so much better. Am thinking of doing some hunting this fall if I can get my legs in shape.

I have some of the strangest feelings in my chest were the collapsed section of lung is at. Not painful just strange. It's like everything is readjusting to the new space.

I have to say I was getting very discouraged when the med's weren't working and I couldn't get the ones I needed. I thought I had really screwed up with this experimental stuff. But since this is the good old U.S.A. and if you push and complain enough the help you need is there. I also think that people really want to help its just that sometimes their hands are tied (as in the case of my V.A. Doctor).

Well that's about it for this report except to say MFRC was a great help when I was feeling down. I could come here and more or less forget my problems having fun with you folks.



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Glad that you were accepted into the drug program.


I heard something that made me want to scream yesterday. They were talking about elderly prisoners. Seems when they these lifers get real old they have to put them into special units. The cost is $70, 000 per prisoner per year. Twice the cost of your average prisoner.


What pisses me off is that in 2002 the average household income for those aged 65+ was $23,000. That means quite a friggin few off them earned less than half of that. Amazing that those who manage to stay out of prison have to suffer, decide whether to eat or buy meds, stuggle to pay the upkeep & taxes on their homes, and generally get by on their own without much if any assistance either monitary or physical whilst those that are in prison get healthcare, medicines, shelter, attendants, etc.


Something stinks here! mad.gif

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Guest Uncle Remus

"Rat" Good news indeed! as to the aging prison population......the mentality behind keeping these guys locked away and charging each and everyone of us to give them better healthcare than the V.A. gives Vets is sheer lunacy! I'm not sure about a humane remedy but the animal shelters seem to have the right idea.

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I was wondering about you yesterday Mr.Rat.Wouldn't you really like to know how much the drug manufactors have invested in $200.00 a month inhalers?Probably not much more than the cheaper stuff,but due to supply and demand,can write their own check.I wish I was up there to take you hunting.I was in our new Cabelas yesterday,and got to thinking that I better get off my ass and do more hunting,'cause someday I won't be able too,and that'll be a sad day for sure.Keep getting better and check in more.I'm too simple minded to be wondering about you,makes my head hurt to think,so I don't.Jerry

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