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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Answered Prayers


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I wish you'all could have been here Sunday morning,cause if you would have been you'd have seen a prayer or two answered.Cargil told me saturday that they were sending a loadout crew to my place to try and get as many of my big turkeys as possible and take them to the kill plant, a loadout crew is 6 guys.I was sick with dread, if you could see these barns and if you knew how hard turkeys are to get on a truck when things are good you would know what I was up against it was mind blowing,I was figuring a week to ten days at the best of man killing work.The crew showed up at 8:30 am with the loader and we started setting up,shortly there after a bunch of my nieghbors showed up,still don't know how they got the word about when I was going to do this,then just before 9 a army of big black four door pickups rolled in,I counted 28 of them and they were crammed full of Minnonites. We live pretty close to a large Minnonite community, but some of them had come from nearly 100 miles away!I still can't believe it,I was kept busy for a while just pushing snow with my skidsteer so they would have a place to park out of the way of the 18 wheelers.They swarmed the barns,and at noon in rolled some of they'er women folk with dinner for everyone! And what I figured was going to take days was for the most part done by 4 that day.I still cant describe how overwhelmed I still am by all the help that showed up.It was a ansewerd prayer.When I prayed please just help me through this,I was just asking for the strength to get the job done.I never in my wildest dreams thought anything like that would happen.I'm truly blessed.I went to another growers place and worked most of the day today and plan to do the same tomorrow and everyday after till we get over the hump,besides theres nothing to do here but feed cows now.Just as kind of a side note here it's hard to believe after looking at these barns but so far it seems like about only 10% of the birds were killed when they fell.Also my insurance company was out today and declared the barns a total loss and said I'll be getting a check this week for the full amount I had them insured for, less my deductable of course and that I would be getting a second check for a refund of the premiums on the barns,I'd just paid that on Nov 22 for the period of 12-1-06 to 12-1-07,the barns fell 12-1-06.Thank you'all again for your kind words and prayers, Jim


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Jim, I am certainly happy to hear that. You are really blessed to have such caring folks around you. I heard that the Mennonites do that, barn raisings etc. I never imagined that there were some near you.


Glad that some of the weight has been removed from your shoulders. Things like this make us remember that there are still good people in the world.


Wishing you the best,



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Sad to say, Jim, I'm a non-believer-


I don't like the idea that some dude--Christ--died for my sins.


I expect I'll do my own dying.


Anyway, enough for the metaphysical.


While I don't believe in religion, I do believe in some other things. Like the Law of Karma.


Anyone who's read your posts here knows you're a straight-up guy.


That you probably give more than you take.


No wonder the help showed up.


As to the turkeys, hell yes they're dumb, but perhaps smart enough to get out of the way of a falling ceiling?


I couldn't be happier than to read this good news.



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Jim, I'm really glad things worked out for the best especially after I feared the worse. I hate to continue to be negative but I've seen how it works form the inside. Chances are good somebody in the insurance co has tipped off some contractors so you might see some knocking on your door. They will know how much money you have. We called it bird doggin and a lead getting the job was worth a hundred bucks for a housefire in 1970, don't know what it might get today. No matter who shows or whom you hire demand a written estimate, and ask for marterial list be included in the estimate.


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I,m not going to rebuild,snow load insurance is very hard to get on poultry houses and I had mine insured the maximum they would let me.That was less than half the cost to replace them and there is no way I'm going into debt that far again.Turkeys were what made my entire operation run,I'll have to sell off the biggest part of my cattle and stop row crop farming too now but that will leave me with the home place paid for and a small cow heard paid for and debt free for the first time in 25 years.What cows I can run here will pay the taxes and insurance on the place and give us a little Christmas money most years.I'll try and find a job that has benifits,I'm thinking the county road dept. Rat I'm to young to retire but I'm thinkin' it may feel that way after all the years of 15 to 18 hour days 7days a week to go to 8 hours a day 5 days a week in the cab of a road grader where its warm in the winter and cool in the summer.Paid vacations and weekends off to fart around the place or go fishin' or huntin',heck this is soundin better all the time.So yea Rat now that I think about it 40 hours a week will be at least semi-retirement and where ever I end up working at will have some kind of retirement,instead of a shovle full of dirt in the face and a nap with the worms.Az I took your advice and read and reread my policies ,the one on our living house has a clause about debrie removal but not the turkey houses.I don't have a clue what to do with that mess,aint no telling how many dollars in scrap there is with all the sheet iron and steel trusses.But how to get it...I'd give it away to whoever would haul it off,if I could get that lucky.I'm trying to look at all this as a blessing in desguise.Flaco I don't want you to think I'm taking a swipe at you because I'm not at all,only trying to stay up beat and make a little lite of my recent luck with this but as far as Karma goes...just how big of a dump do you figure I had to take in who's corn flakes to get my barns to fall..lol...Guys thanks alot you'all really are a bright spot for me right now. Jim

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Wally Cleaver: Did Dad hit ya?

Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver: No.

Wally Cleaver: Did he yell at ya?

Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver: No.

Wally Cleaver: Then why ya cryin'?

Theodore "Beaver" Cleaver: Sometimes things get so messed up, crying is the only thing you can do


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The calm cool way you are trying to deal with this lousey situation is an inspriation to us all. And, a reminder to us all that things, no matter how bad they seem, could always be worse. I admire your "making lemonade out of lemons" approach to this disaster. I have every confidence that 6 months from now you will be far better off than you were just two weeks ago!

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Jim, if you can somehow keep on with the row crop farming, do it. Grain, especially corn, is at all-time highs. I guess the ethanol thing has something to do with it.


Just as I predicted several months ago when talk was going around that more grain was going to be used in fuel production, sure enough, the price of my cattle feed has gone up drastically in the last two weeks. As I said at the time, there will be consequences when corn is used for other than feed.


If you still are able to keep that tractor and combine going, plant lots of corn next year. And get crop insurance of course. I'm sure you already do, as it is hard to plant anything in today's climate without a safety net.


The best to you always,



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A doc friend from church was raised Mennonite. He said the Mennonite Disaster Service does a wonderful job of helping people. Notice that the ACLU and liberal groups didn't show up to help, but the Christians did. Amazing! Who'd of thought the compassionate liberals wouldn't be there to help with their disaster teams?

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Sorry to hear about your turkey farm. Wish I could have help. We hit ice and sleet in Ok. on I 44 East. We had to shut down at the services plaze on the Will Rogers Turnpike. I pull my tractor brakes but not my trailers. When I wake up two hours later, I saw another truck that pull in before me and park, just spinning his wheel trying to brake his trailer brake loose. He look like an old driver that been around an few days. But oh well. I just got into my seat and release my tractor brakes and put her in low gear and pull away. The driver was mad that I was about to do that. He got on his CB and asked me what I have done. Told him that I did not pull my trailer brakes and those brake get the most of the water out there. But I saw alot of cars and semi in the ditches. One pass me like I was setting on jacks, about 1 mile down the road he was in the ditch. But we made it out of Ok and Mo out safetly and no accidents.



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