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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Cell Phones


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A quick note to everyone that owns a cell phone (and who doesn't nowadays?):


When you go into a public place like a crowded store, restuarant, library, or movie theater please place it on "silent" or simply turn the darn thing off.


There really is nothing like trying to enjoy the movie I paid $7.50 to see or eat the meal I'm paying an arm and leg for while you're next to me shouting into your phone. You didn't really need to have that conversation right then did you? Afterall, I came to these places of polite enjoyment to get away from the hustle and bustle outside and I am paying to be there. As I don't think you aught to carrying on a conversation with food in your mouth, while looking for a book, or while trying to watch an expensive movie, why don't you take your phone outside and visit.


See, I'm old enough to remember when nobody had a cell phone or more than one telephone line in their home. As I am still alive, I can see where the need to be absolutely in touch with your "peeps" all the time is unnecessary. So why not enjoy your meal or the movie and have some common friggin' courtesy for the people around you?


Or have polite manners and common courtesy passed completely into antiquity?



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Guest Uncle Alex

I own one, it lives in my vehicle, I sometimes will carry it with me if a family member is traveling, but I do not like the thing, I have had people lecture me about cutting the phone off or not carrying it 24/7, I respond that as long as I pay the bill ........I will use the thing as I please, I bought it for my use, not so I could be bothered by inconsequential chatter.

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I hear you!


I agree, it is a kid's toy and the tool of a businessman or elderly.


Neither has it's place in the public restaurant or the theatre.


I keep mine turned off and in the vehicle. I only carry it in casae I break down on the road and need to call for backup.


I know some businessmen in the oil industry that are in our club (beer joint) and they have to constantly answer their damned cell phones. Most of them excuse themselves and go outside. That is being polite. Maybe even easier for them to conduct business in private (without all the bar talk).


But they will always be there. It's the people that seem to constantly have a damned phone stuck up their ear wherever they go, that bother me.


If they are so obsessed with the cell phone (not business talk) they have no place in the places I go to.


I don't go to the theatre anymore, and only to a few select restaurants. I would not return to one that allowed such behaviour that Jason mentioned.


Maybe someday they will pass the highway safety law that bans cell phone conversations while driving. It would make more sense than the assinine law on the books now about mandatory seat belt wearing.


If you are on the road with fundillos with a phone stuck up their ear and on the road with folks not wearing seat belts--which would make you concerned more about YOUR safety?



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I saw a guy the other day walking along talking to himself. I thought he was a nut case until I realized that he had a hands-free phone on.


I've often thought of making up humorous one sided conversations in public to see the reaction. Something along the lines of:


"I know I don't have an appointment, but I need to see the doctor right away".... "Yes, the syptoms are back"... "Well, he told me it was very contagious"... "I know I'm not supposed to be out in public, but I had to run to the store"...


It would be fun to watch reactions. Might even get you to the head of the line!

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