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Hey Don! Check This Out...


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Don't remind me! It's bad enough already.



Yeah, The Arab community calls the newcomers "Boaters" as a derogitory term. The Iraqis don't get along with the Lebanese or Palestinians and no one gets along with the Yemenis.



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Those would be the ones who are known as supporters of the USA.

They are getting out before the DEMS do the Saigon bug-out boogie.

They KNOW what will happen to them if if they stay home.



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Why settle them in groups? Put one person/family in each small town across America and don't allow them to move until they have citizenship. Bet they would assimilate real damn quick. And you can bank on the folks that already live there to keep an eye on them (no secret cells).



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Put one person/family in each small town across America and don't allow them to move until they have citizenship. Bet they would assimilate real damn quick.


**They're not supposed to assimilate and you're not supposed to keep an eye on them.**


If you keep them all bunched up, you'll have a voting block that you can reach out to in your district.


If you keep an eye on them because they're foreign nationals, new citizens, or immigrants from an area of the globe wracked by terrorism, you're profiling them and profiling is wrong, illegal, or worse not politically acceptable.


You can trust that the government knows exactly how to handle this situation and that they will all become good American citizens that you can depend on.




...And I have a bridge I'd like to sell you too... <_<


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Well, I'm not in the market for a bridge (my commisioner just repaired the culvert that he built wrong a year ago). Nor am I in the market for oceanfront property in Arizona (maybe the AzRedneck would be).


I am just grateful that we are not getting an influx of foreigners here in South Texas.


Now, how would you folks up north like to have some cheap labor? Take a line from the movie about baseball in the Iowa cornfield----build it and they will come.


Oh, you say that you didn't build anything, and they still come? There must be something very interesting up there for them to be attracted like a magnet to you.


Sure glad we don't have any foreigners sneaking in here. That's because our elected government is going to give them the "guest worker" title. Then they don't need to "sneak" in----they will be invited in!


Did you invite the people that you are talking about?




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Yeah, The Arab community calls the newcomers "Boaters" as a derogitory term. The Iraqis don't get along with the Lebanese or Palestinians and no one gets along with the Yemenis.


Reminds of an area I worked briefly as a mailman, only hispanic. The South Americans from Bolivia and Argentina hated Mexicans and El Salvadorians. They called Mexicans cholos and Central Americans, jungle monkeys and banana men. The legal Mexicans despised illegals and had a very deep hatred of Central Americans, often referred to them as indians, midgets, ants and a spanish word sounding something like vahvohsohs. I worked the area apx 6 months and can't recall a black, white or oriental family lasting more than 30 days.


On Saturday afternoon the men would hang out in front of their apartments, drinking beer and seemed to get along with each other. It was the women that seemed to bicker. Usually every weekend there would be a break-in of at least one of the gang boxes. By Monday the women would all be out there pointing the finger at every nationality except their own.






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Well, I'm not in the market for a bridge (my commisioner just repaired the culvert that he built wrong a year ago). Nor am I in the market for oceanfront property in Arizona (maybe the AzRedneck would be).




In Arizona they don't build bridges, they import them from England!! Then they sell some worthless desert land "near" the famous London Bridge. "Near" might mean 50-75 miles on a desert lot that couldn't support a fence lizard. I remember one brilliant salesman that peddled not ocean front but lots located near or adjacent to Route 66 to dim witted yankees and easterners with more money than brains.


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