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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Venezuela tells the US where to go..


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CARACAS (AFP) - Venezuela's energy minister, Rafael Ramirez, said that Caracas is "ready and willing" to cut off its oil supply to the United States, if there are any signs of aggression from the superpower toward his country.



What next? Is Cuba gonna invade?

Time to kick some ass in South America.



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Would you write this off as sabre rattling? Or is the US covertly trying to pull some slight-of-hand black op down in Venezula?


I just can't imagine why we'd bully them? They have something we want and so far, they've been willing to sell it to us at their price. How are we being aggressive?




Otherwise, I believe the US still practices the Monroe Doctrine to a certain extent. If the Venezulan minister thinks he's going to bring us to our knees by shutting off our oil supply, I'd advise him to rethink his stance. We have a long history of exercising our hegemony in Latin America. Threatening us is the best way to bring about a revolution in your country and wake up with slit throat.


Oil, in case he hasn't noticed, is something that we are actively pursuing through diplomatic and military means. Venezula ain't nearly as far away as Iraq or Iran and the neighboring countries have far fewer insurgents to send in as help to the beleagured Venezulan regime should we be forced to take action.


I think the Ramirez is simply trying to beat his chest a little and gain a little attention. Remember, its always fun to get your digs in on the neighborhood big guy when you can...

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I'm convinced that many of these little corrupt governments have managed to keep themselves in power by convincing the population its our fault instead of theirs. That way, they'll hate us instead of their own government and use their negative energy to lash out against us instead of toppling their own government and setting up a better system. They have to hate somebody for their predicament - the less they believe their government is taking advantage of them, the better off and healthier the men running their government stay.


I have no empirical evidence to support this; its just one of my theories. It does seem to hold some truth though.


So, just my $.02.



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