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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

There goes the neighborhood


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I live in a pretty laid back rural area, not far from town, but with plenty of surrounding farmland. I have 2.5 acres at the end of a 1/4 mile gravel road, with a nice big yard and trees all around. Very private, and no worries about the kids chasing a ball out into traffic. I love it here. We know most of the nearby neighbors fairly well, and we're happy to be in such a nice spot.


Well, last month I came home to find a flyer on the doorstep from the local sheriff's office informing us that a level 3 registered sex offender was moving in just a couple hundred yards down the main road from us. Great. Time to load up on ammo. I guess I can take small comfort in the fact that he likes little boys and I have three girls!


Then this last weekend at the Island County fair I ran into the daughter of my next door neighbor from just down the road the other way. While new to the area and still single I had rented a nearby house with a friend during which time I bought my lot, started clearing it, and met my wife to be. She told me what my old rental was being used for and I had to laugh. Check it out for yourself:




Chris and Ron sure have prettied up the place since I lived there! My old room was the "Skylight room" which opened up to the sunroom. In our day the sunroom had folding aluminum lawn chairs and cardboard boxes in it. And the purple flowers out front were grass and weeds where my roomate and I used to chuck the football back and forth. Man, how things change!

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Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that it was a two bedroom house. If Chris and Ron actually live there it would be very cozy!


I actually considered this and came up with a sales slogan for them: "You don't have to be Gay to Stay... but it sure helps!"

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man, is it just washington, or does the entire country have such a high number of registered sex offenders? here on the east side of the state, we have 2 buildings downtown near a highschool that are like a halfway house for level III's! i say on the news the other day that there was a transient level III in the area with 15 (FIFTEEN!!!!!) CONVICTIONS! thanks governor!

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I was appalled when I found out how many sex offenders lived within a one mile radius of my house, and I live in a damn nice neighborhood. What the hell do you do though? I think the sex offender list is a neat idea but what do you do once you've found out one lives near you? You certainly can't organize a protest with fear of being sued! Maybe a midnight visit with the burdizzo in hand is in order?

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I scares the heck out of me to think that these people can repeatedly offend and get a basic hand slap and return to society to offend again. When one thinks of a person that has 15 prior convictions, and is free to do so again that is really an eye opener. It is obvious that they will continue to do so. Sometimes it is unfortunate that the victims families don't get first chance at them. I don't know the answer, but something needs to change for sure. swamp thing

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Guest MorgansBoss

Monty - don't take too much comfort in that this animal has a history with boys. Most pediphiles have a sexual preference but the main thing is that it be a vunerable kid - they do "cross over" frequently. Keep the kids close and always make sure someone is with them. In reality I don't think there are anymore sex offenders today than there have ever been. Its just much better publicized. These predators are everywhere. I've worked as a correctional officer for twenty years and believe me they're tough to spot without experience. In jail they're pretty easy to spot after a little experience - there is a certian "look." They can be old men or young kids or anything in between - even had a city councilman from a major city once, he was a wild card, nobody'd ever guessed it. Hooked up with a 14yoa girl on the internet and had "consentual sex" (his defense) in her parent's backyard! Unfortunately for him the law doesn't recognize a fourteen year-old's ability to consent to sex with a forty year-old man!

Anyway, don't let your guard down - ANYBODY, ANYWHERE. They are out there all the time looking for kids to prey on. Please don't drop your kids off at the mall and come back hours later.


Now, about that B&B... reminds me of the place I lived in for several years before I got married (your description, not Chris & Ron's!). An old fishing cabin along the river in a National Park. Leased it from the NPS. They bulldozed it and restored the site last summer - can't even tell it was ever there! Man I had some good times there! Guess your cabin just may have suffered a worse fate than mine.

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I guess there ain't much you can do to keep out a sex offender if the state sends them to your area.


But there sure as hell is something you can do if the sex offender ever threatens your kid!


But I'm sure most of us here already know that, and are prepared for it. But what about the rest of the people in these communities that do not have the ability to defend what is THEIRS?


Can you still get a burdizzo? My dad used one many years ago on bull calves. The male hogs, we just cut with a razor blade.


Either one would seem to be in order for the fellow in question. And maybe the legislator/judge that sent him to you!



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fritz, not sure what a burdizzo is, but I do remember using very thick rubber bands on bull calves that were installed with a tool that spread them out. After a couple of weeks or so, the equiptment dried up and fell off. Worked wonders on the calves and might do the same on these guys. The good part is they would have a couple of weeks to watch the progress as they contimplated what brought them to this point. Hum, wonder what the ACLU would have to say on this one.

swamp thing

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http://www.ansci.cornell.edu/4H/meatgoats/...ng/castrate.htm Even has pics, painful ones.


My Oma used to believe that these types to include rapists needed to be strung up by their offending weapons. She was too forward thinking for her time!!!

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I live in a pretty laid back rural area, not far from town, but with plenty of surrounding farmland.  I have 2.5 acres at the end of a 1/4 mile gravel road, with a nice big yard and trees all around.  Very private, and no worries about the kids chasing a ball out into traffic.  I love it here.  We know most of the nearby neighbors fairly well, and we're happy to be in such a nice spot.


Well, last month I came home to find a flyer on the doorstep from the local sheriff's office informing us that a level 3 registered sex offender was moving in just a couple hundred yards down the main road from us.  Great.  Time to load up on ammo.  I guess I can take small comfort in the fact that he likes little boys and I have three girls!


Watch your daughters and warn them well! You cannot trust that pervert.





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Monte,watch the scum close enough to get his scedule coming and going from home,and set up a lawn chair and camp table where he'll be sure to see you,and clean your shotguns when he goes by.You might even hang some rope on a limb and work on your braiding.When my daughter use to bring home some hard_ _ k for me to meet so she could go out with him,I always used the time waiting on them to clean my guns.I don't know if it worked or not,but made me feel better knowing I tried.Jerry

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Great slide show Z! Ouch...


For lamb's tails we used to use what we called an "elastrator". It was essentially a large 4 pronged snap-ring pliers which stretched out a tight rubber donut allowing you to slip it on. I know you can use the same thing for 'nads. For changing bulls to steers we'd just cut them out.


I'm being watchful. The good thing is that our privacy helps us. There's no way to see into our yard unless you come right up to the end of the road where we know you are there. He probably doesn't even know we are here. The kids never go down the driveway on their own, and usually aren't even outside unless we are. If he can see our kids, he is trespassing and we have a little talk...

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