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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

To Nra Or Not To Nra. This Is The Question!


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Well, I just hung up after a conversation with an NRA phone rep. I didn't rejoin and haven't been a member for about 2-3 years.


Some of you guys may feel the same way but here's what I told him kinda paraphrased:


-I'm tired of politics as usual. The NRA keeps fighting the same battle over and over with a shrinking Gunowner class to support them.


-The NRA has done little or nothing to increase the ranks of gun owners by educational campaigns that address the responsibility of the citizen to be able to defend his country.


-The NRA has chosen to fight a battle at a political level rather than a grass roots uprising that engulfs so much of the masses that the liberal politicians wouldn't even dare suggest taking our arms away.


-The NRA has chosen to use the same tactics that Libs use. Scare the pee out of the people that support you so that they will give you more money.


I'm tired and maybe a bit cynical but this is where I see the NRA. 40 years and no change.


Am I wrong or should I support them anyway?

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LC, I think you're correct on all counts. But I support by joining (3 yrs at a time) because they are our fight in DC. Their battle style may suck, but I think it's the way it needs to be seeing as who they're doin battle with. I agree wholeheartedly that they should be something else to the general population, but I feel they got where they are by learning the lawmakers ways.

Just my take on it. They call here non-stop and I hate it...but who else is there for us?

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That's not a good enough reason to join them. It's like the Republican Congress a couple of years back- we were carrying the water for them, and they needed a lesson. NRA needs a wake-up call. It's the same letters and headlines I saw in 1972, "Your gun rights are in danger like never before!"

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That's not a good enough reason to join them. It's like the Republican Congress a couple of years back- we were carrying the water for them, and they needed a lesson. NRA needs a wake-up call. It's the same letters and headlines I saw in 1972, "Your gun rights are in danger like never before!"

Because its the truth now as it was in 72 the more dead beats around the worse it gets i can not believe any body on this site is not a NRA member!!!!! SHAME ON YOU!!!!!

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I was not a member for about 5 years ....too many phone calls and not enough action. But now when the dam liberals have congress and may get the White house, I have to reconsider but If the GOP gets the House and Little Mac wins, I will let my NRA membership lapse...I am a bad boy...: )



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-The NRA has done little or nothing to increase the ranks of gun owners by educational campaigns that address the responsibility of the citizen to be able to defend his country.


Am I wrong or should I support them anyway?


I am three weeks and 4 classes into teaching a course at the local Technical College in association with the Gunsmithing Program there. The course is a combined Firearms Safety, How to Shoot a Pistol, and South Carolina Concealed Weapons Permit class. The Firearms Safety portion was designed by the NRA. The Textbook is from the NRA. The posters that I use in the classroom and the lesson plans that I use for the presentation are all from the NRA. The cost of a student packet is $7.00. How to shoot a pistol comes from the NRA Basic Pistol Course, as do the posters for that portion of the class. The South Carolina CWP material was developed by me. It is an 8-hour course that was pulled from............you guessed it.........NRA training materials.


I have personally trained and certificated right at 400 people in the NRA Home Firearm Safety Course. How you can possibly make the statement above is just amazing to me.


Go learn to be an NRA Certified Instructor. Pick a course or two that interest you, get your credentials, and start training. I never made a dime on teaching these things, but I feel like I have made a great investment in firearms knowledge and community safety. I have had students ranging from an 11 year old girl to an 89 year old WWII vet. My students include active duty military snipers, armorers, cops, housewives, hunters, and business people. Every doggone one of them left feeling more confident about his use of firearms and more responsible for their safekeeping and application.


Now, go join the NRA!


Clemson :angry:

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The NRA certainly isn't perfect, but then what group of 4 million people is? What group of 4 people is, for that matter? It is, however, the best we have. I don't like the constant begging either. But they are about the only voice we have in Washington. GOA, JPFO, etc., are all more hard-core, but they don't have the structure to back them up. So, while I may disagree with some aspects of the NRA and I get tired of the constant BS, I stay a member on an annual basis, as I have for the last 20 years or so. I feel that my $35 buys me more than $35 worth of pain for the anti's, so it is a good deal. If one politician thinks twice about screwing me over because the NRA is there to threaten his re-election to the public gravy train, it was worth the $35 for that year.

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I have a suggestion for anybody that wants to tell me how I need to spend my money: Pay my dues for me. I guaran-darn-tee you I've spent a lot of money (maybe a thousand bucks) and thousands of hours on this site for your benefit. I've not asked for one penney, nor made one penney. I don't say this to be rude or insulting.

Any organization or person needs to be willing to listen to sincere criticism, but there is no way for me to get NRAs ear. They do love to call me though!

If there really is no other organization other than the NRA, then there is an open door to a group to set up shop.

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I see the NRA as kind-of like McCain. Neither really gets me excited, but they're the best option available, and if we don't support them, our way of life becomes increasingly tenuous.


I think we should all be supportive members, but also shouldn't hesitate to tell them what we think they should do to improve themselves.


I'm also a member of a local second ammendment support organization here in NC - Grass roots North Carolina. This small organization without a big budget has done more in our state to prevent bad gun laws and support concealed carry than has the NRA.


I think the NRA focuses too much on sporting, and not enough on the significance of the second amendment.


What part of "shall not be infringed" doesn't any American understand?


LC- nice pic :).

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Thanks DT. That's kinda a Jack Nicholson Photo.


Clemson, Good response. I can't and won't argue against your experience. Do you know how many of those that you have taught are "new" to guns in the sense that they don't live with gun owning spouses or fathers? That's my main point. The shrinking base means that they, the NRA, are missing opportunities. The base needs to be increased. Like FC said. Same message (tactics) for 30+ years.


Now, don't get me wrong. I'm for what they are for. No if's and's or but's. They are fighting on a front that requires engagement. There just needs to be some effort to reinforce the ranks. As the main lobbying group for gun advocacy that mantle falls to them by default.


However, you guys have made some great points that I'll think over for the next few days. I'll probably rejoin.



Clemson, I went back and re-read your post. The statement that you responded to isn't meant to bring their present programs into question. It was a question concerning a broader focus. I should have been more clear on that.

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i am on both sides of this fence. i am a life member of the NRA. this year i have received 4-5 calls, and each of those was looking to re-up my expired yearly membership. now that we have it straightened out that i am a life member, the calls have stopped... for now. I also agree that they (the NRA) is preaching to the choir. we need to be out informing the non-gun owning public about the benefits and necessity of gun ownership. that said, i am a poor advocate for the NRA. i do not advertise my status in the organization outside of here and AccurateReloading. I should do more. But in that regard, I am lazy. I do not like pushing my beliefs on others, as i see America as a place where a person should be able to do what they want, providing they do not affect others. i should do more to inform others about legal gun ownership. I carry a small pistol daily, yet if i were found out by my boss, i'm sure there would be a huge issue. I work for a alternative news weekly that is decidedly left-leaning. my only real advocate in the company is our head of personnel, who got her CCW the same time I did.


Here is my big question... can the NRA publish materials or show documented studies without the NRA name tainting the person these materials are directed towards? it seems to me that most of the American public is like me... lazy. we don't WANT to do the leg work on finding out the truth about sensitive issues. we have other things going on. If i was a non-gun owner and received material from the NRA on gun ownership, i would immediately figure it to be biased (which of course it would be) and therefore, probably not pay that much attention to it. that is the hurdle i think the NRA needs to figure out first and foremost in regards to informing the public. i feel strongly about gun ownership being a right necessary to the freedom of the citizens (even those who disagree with me... that's part of what needs to be protected) from an oppressive government. however, can any of you actually imagine what would happen if there was an armed uprising against the government in todays USA?

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I have felt like all of the above at one time or another. But most of the time I feel like this. 3-1/2 million members. Probably 8-10 times as many gun owners. Lets say half are legitimate gun lovers. All of them join for a couple years and I doubt many new gun laws would show up. Lobby is lobby and the NRA is a powerful one. Like the system or not, it's how the fight is fought. Now that assumes the money would go where it's needed. But I like that assumption more than the one that says it won't. They're both assumptions and I'd rather try and be wrong than say it won't work to save 35 dollars. Let's think of a different scenario. How long would any of us own any of this stuff without an NRA through 8 yrs of Clinton?

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I have felt like all of the above at one time or another. But most of the time I feel like this. 3-1/2 million members. Probably 8-10 times as many gun owners. Lets say half are legitimate gun lovers. All of them join for a couple years and I doubt many new gun laws would show up. Lobby is lobby and the NRA is a powerful one. Like the system or not, it's how the fight is fought. Now that assumes the money would go where it's needed. But I like that assumption more than the one that says it won't. They're both assumptions and I'd rather try and be wrong than say it won't work to save 35 dollars. Let's think of a different scenario. How long would any of us own any of this stuff without an NRA through 8 yrs of Clinton?

God bless you why don't every body schell out the bucks and be a life member???

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I felt just like you AK,40 years ago until about 5 years ago.They wore me down with the same money begging and phone calls when I was trying to sleep when working 3rd shift,even after begging them to stop.When the dude killed all those kids in California at the McDonalds years ago,an NRA sales person argued with me one night that owning a fully auto rifle was everyones right,well,that was the killing blow for me.I was feeling the grief of the parents of the kids since I had kids that age,so the argument didn't set too well with me.I'm thinking I may give them a try again because of all that's been said here,but when the 40 year old same begging tactics start,well,we'll see. Jerry

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I felt just like you AK,40 years ago until about 5 years ago.They wore me down with the same money begging and phone calls when I was trying to sleep when working 3rd shift,even after begging them to stop.When the dude killed all those kids in California at the McDonalds years ago,an NRA sales person argued with me one night that owning a fully auto rifle was everyones right,well,that was the killing blow for me.I was feeling the grief of the parents of the kids since I had kids that age,so the argument didn't set too well with me.I'm thinking I may give them a try again because of all that's been said here,but when the 40 year old same begging tactics start,well,we'll see. Jerry

Thats a bunch of crap. what kind of full auto are you talking about?

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They do have an extended pay life membership. You pay $25/quarter until it is paid off. Doesn't hurt nearly as bad as the $750 or whatever the regular lump sum life membership is. Since I started that, I don't get the calls or begging. The only turd in the punch bowl is, every quarter, they send a statement offering a free flag if I opt for an automatic withdrawl so they don't have to send out a statement. Every time I tell them to go ahead. I still get that card every quarter and have yet to get my flag.

I don't agree with everything they try to push, but they are the strongest lobby group we have. As in an election if you don't vote (or join the group) you don't have any right to complain when your rights are systematically removed.

I vote and I am a life member of the NRA. I have the right and I will complain.

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There's no way you can sell Joe Public on the idea that owning a machine gun or weapon capable of killing a lot of people in a hurry is acceptable. To win, there has to be reasonableness and concessions in areas we can live with.


NRA needs some competition. I haven't seen CCRKBA grow much since it's inception, but that's the only other alternative I know of.

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  • 1 month later...

Well guys. Before I left for work this morning I called and became a life member of the NRA on their payment program. It's time to get serious about the one right that protects all others.


Is there another organization that you would suggest we consider?

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Well guys. Before I left for work this morning I called and became a life member of the NRA on their payment program. It's time to get serious about the one right that protects all others.


Is there another organization that you would suggest we consider?

Good for you . Come on you guys Shiiiit or get off the pot!!!!!

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I am a nra member I pay about every 3 years or so. While they arent the greatest organization they are one of our only voices. I never get call from them. Don't give them your phone number if you don't want to get calls, that's the easy way. Tony we all are greatful for your time and money here, while you don't ask for much help most of us are more than willing to give it to you. And if you want to to join the nra, let me know I'll pay your dues this year.


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