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Maybe she's just having a bad moment, FC, because it really shouldn't matter.


Is something making her feel insecure? I hope not, but that's usually what causes a somewhat unpleasant reaction to the fact that a significant other had a life prior to the life you both are living together now.


Perhaps your wife just wanted to "share" something with you (watching a movie), and was a bit taken aback by your previous experience of it, Mindy was just a bystander.


Then again, maybe you just gave her a bit too much information? LOL!


Who knows?! I can't figure us women out, I don't imagine that you guys are going to be able to do it either!

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Ah, she'll be okay.You know what's funny? Women notice stuff. A movie showed a woman in a general store showed the slightest funny look when her boss, who was married, brought his niece into the store. The woman giving that slight look was his mistress. My wife said she knew they had a relationship right off; I noticed nothing!

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They can amaze with perceptions and insights, and befuddle with inability to comprehend the significance of a 1st down, or righty-tighty lefty-loosey. I'm tempted to bring-up driving but think I'm already in enough trouble.


If they weren't so darn attractive in some ways I'd advise against playing with the nitro. But they are so darn attractive that the occaisional dramatic/unexpected explosions are worth it.


Everything always matters, especially former relationships, especially if you remember her name, and really especially if she was Mindy from Dallas.

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Women never cease to amaze me - they catch everything. There's one blonde in particular that I'm really close to that seems to have the ability to see or sense the invisible. Nothing escapes her!


I have come to see dealing with women like playing a game of high-stakes poker and I try to keep my hand very closely held. It's a game right? I like trying to get the other player to tip her hand first.


Generally though, I end up giving something away and getting fussed at. Such is life though...


Another thing I've learned is just to smile and say "Yes mam" and go on in peace. Most little things aren't worth hassling over...



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I *think* you're right that it's a game. But if that's true then (1) the rules are flexible and (2) us non-double Xer's don't have a say as to how/why/when they are established/modified. If you're not enjoying the game, get out fast and don't look back.


The games worth playing will come to you, and you'll find yourself in them without trying.


EDIT: Once you're married the get out fast option is no longer available, which is why it's essential to use early and without regret.

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Doble Troble --


I don't know the significance of a 1st down though, I am thinking that it has something to do with some sport...is it tennis? LOL! And I didn't understand the "righty-tighty, lefty-loosey" thing until I was in my 30s (though, I did it properly anyway)...so I think you hit on some of my own weak points. LOL!


However, some of my friends call me "The Monitor" because I don't let anything go by! At dinner last evening one of my friends pointed out that I can hear a cricket fart at 50 yards because I don't like things to slip past me!


So, yeah, I think that both sexes often marvel at some of the more amazing things about the other...I just don't think that we admit it that often because if we did, members of the opposite sex would try to take advantage of our respective astounded states!


I guess that could be part of the game too, couldn't it?


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I think the sexes complement each other very well in most things - we need each other. It's too bad that it's so hard to get along sometimes. I think we need to take every opportunity to look past the respective quirks and focus on the the good things.


Regarding the first down: The significance is that once achieved the offensive team is granted four additonal opportunities to advance the ball. If the ball is advanced at least 10 additional yards during these four opportunities then an additional first down is granted and a new series begins. If the ball is not advanced the required 10 additional yards, then possession of the ball is turned over to the opposing team who begins with a first down. I really don't understand the difficulty with this concept, but it seems to cause difficulty with about 53% of Americans (an estimated 3% of the male population is gay).

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Thanks, Doble Troble for the explanation of the first down thing.


I think I have it now.


Just one question, what do the players do with their rackets while they're advancing in their yards?




I WAS being facetious about this stuff, BTW. However, I don't care for football or most sports, so I don't really pay that much attention to the rules. Whatever I picked up about some sports, I picked up by contamination!



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The battles I can't understand are the ones about leaving the seat up or down. The wife and I have been married for 37 years and have never had this argument. If its down and I need it raised, I raise it. If its up and she needs it down, she lowers it. Also we try to get to the toilet in enough time to be able to make adjustments. laugh.gif



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When we first got married we lived in a tiny house in Corvallis, OR. We were poor and the house was heated with a wood stove. It got really cold at night in the winter. A couple of times I left the seat up at night and my new better half (who had been living with a group of women before getting married) fell in a couple of times while half asleep. Burr. It took days before I wasn't in trouble any more.

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Here's one differene: women, with one notable Army officer exception, are horrible with directions. "OK, go left off the highway, then go right." Me: "So is that east, then south?" Her: "I don't know, it's left". Me: "Ok, San Antonio is what direction; can you tell me? (I'm checking her.) "I don't know!"

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Ah! Directions...now there's another area where I tend to diverge from most women as a group. I am not remotely geographically challenged...maybe it comes from my Indian side as my Mother never had problems orienting herself wherever she was either.


I get SO frustrated with my female friends when they don't know where they are going or where they are. Even with something as simple as the cardinal directions! I can read a map, and in fact routinely read atlases for amusement!


Now, of course I have been lost a couple of times in my life, but never too far off course and I have always been able to get my bearings in a matter of minutes...thank goodness!


I know that it's unusual for women to have a good sense of direction, but I have always considered myself fortunate in that regard.


As for the toilet seat thing...there used to be some internet joke thingy that made the global circuit and it said something about how women complain about men leaving the toilet seat up but it answered this by saying "You're a big girl, put the toilet seat down yourself.". And that's my philosophy...besides, most women that I know check the seat status before they plant their butts on it, just so we can avoid left behind droplets, a$$ gaskets or other, unspeakable things -- most of them kind of gross -- a seat left up is the least of my worries...and, in fact, I should be thankful that men are putting the seat up anyway...speaking of droplets, ewwwwwww!

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I close the lid for courtesy sake.


I was teaching my wige a bit about directions. I said, "We're headed NW, do you why?" "No." "Which direction does the sun set?" After a pause she said, "West?" "So, if the sun sets in the west, what direction is north?" She finally got it and happily passed the first lesson of navigation. I put a compass in her car.

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I play with compasses for amusement as well...I like map compasses the most, I like how you can start in on place, plot a bearing, stroll over, take another bearing and so on until you end up in exactly the same spot where you started. It seems like magic. I once considered a career as a cartographer because of my love of maps, directions and the like...it seems silly in retrospect. Like becoming an astronomer because I like the night sky...of course I conveniently forget that I hate math! LOL!


It is beyond me how so many people can be geographically challenged. Of course, I know that I am not infallible in that regard, for example, I can almost never easily find J&G Sales in Prescott, AZ even though I go there at least every six months or so. I don't know why, except that I got hopelessly lost the first time I went looking for it, and that was without a map. I called the store for directions, and got them according to the cardinal directions, but of course it was about noon, and I had a devil of a time figuring it out! I was also very tired and had been driving all night, so that could have had something to do with it. Well, that's my story anyway. I haven't been truly "lost" finding the store since, but it's always in the back of my mind....

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The Hippy never gets lost on the road.

She tends to plan trips to a degree that would bring a smile to the face of the German General Staff.

Me..I just go.


I seldom get lost but that be luck smile.gif



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FC And Emul8 are both right in my case. My Wife is a human compass, She knows how to get anywhere. On the other hand when I am driving and shes giving me directions I don't understand zip of what she is trying to tell me! But most things she says to me are that way blink.gif



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