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Stealing Election


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lib judge ruling stealing election from joe miller .


I'd have to say that Lisa herself has stolen the election, not any judge's decision. She did this by getting together a voting block from the villages and insinuating that she can keep the gravy train flowing. This was in marked contrast to Miller who said that the gravy train had to come to a halt because the government is out of money. In essence she was guaranteeing something she cannot deliver, and the native people are so used to government aid that they cannot imagine otherwise. I'm not being racist, my wife is native, but I have lived in the village and know how it is.

The law is clear about write-in candidates, and Campbell and the judge should stick to the letter of the law, but I'm pretty sure she would get elected with the write-in votes which aren't questioned. She is a liar and a spoiler.

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I'd have to say that Lisa herself has stolen the election, not any judge's decision. She did this by getting together a voting block from the villages and insinuating that she can keep the gravy train flowing. This was in marked contrast to Miller who said that the gravy train had to come to a halt because the government is out of money. In essence she was guaranteeing something she cannot deliver, and the native people are so used to government aid that they cannot imagine otherwise. I'm not being racist, my wife is native, but I have lived in the village and know how it is.

The law is clear about write-in candidates, and Campbell and the judge should stick to the letter of the law, but I'm pretty sure she would get elected with the write-in votes which aren't questioned. She is a liar and a spoiler.

You pretty much nailed that right on the head.

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I can't argue with people who live there, but I will ask; didn't they agree that the loser of the primary would support the winner?

Absolutely. She lied through her teeth, and then cried about her loss as a sore loser in the primary. Now she is insinuating that Miller is a sore loser. What a hypocrite.

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In my opinion, I blame the voters who support her.

The largest employer in Alaska is the government, albeit fed, state, borough, or city.

Huge sources of funding for the state come from the federal government. (Known as pork)


The conservative republican candidate Miller, say’s government spending has gone crazy and needs to be scaled back. This all sounded good up to the primary. The Alaskan people can see what a dire situation the rest of the country is in, although we are somewhat insulated from the recession due to having so many government employees. (The government is not laying off workers)


The liberal republican candidate Murkowski, lies to native groups, unions, and government workers, preying on their fears of government cutbacks, and says she can continue to bring home the pork, because she’s tight with the left.

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What a fiasco. I didn't know this was going on and she might win.


The SC democrat governor candidate, Sheheen lost. I'm using his leftover road signs as target backers. They work good since they are cardboard with a heavy wire frame. Thank you to the Democrats who contributed shooting targets.

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