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End Of A Relationship Question


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  • 2 months later...

Just an update.

Things have been quiet. I was/am getting used to the idea of her being gone, and working through everything. Until a week ago.

I received a text message asking for my address, as (supposedly) she had forgotten it. (Funny, she managed to mail me two packages 2 months ago and they got here) She also said she had sent me an email that she needed a quick answer to.

I check my computor, and found 2 emails. One basically stating she had found some of my stuff, and wanted to send it to me. Then she goes on to say that she hoped I was doing well, and she had carpeted the closets and had gotten the cabinets in the garage. That is how she found the stuff, and apologizing for taking so long. (I had totaly forgotten about the stuff). It was little stuff. The helmet intercom unit for her motorcycle helmet, a caulking gun, and two soft, insulated lunch box type carriers(we used for packing picnic lunches when we did motorcycle rides).

Well, I sent her my address, then decided that if I did that, she would just send the stuff I returned to her 2 months ago. Sooooo, I told her to keep everything. I didn't need it, and didn't miss it.

Then I checked the second email, and it was a series of pictures of some mountain goats climbing up a dam face somewhere in the western USA. <_<

She did the same thing the day after she sent the Dear John letter. At that time she sent me a series of pics of a big snake in AZ eating a big lizard. :huh:

Okay, I can sort of understand the email asking about the stuff she had found, but I cannot see any reason for the text message telling me to read the email. I Have no clue as to why she sent the pics of the mountain sheep, just as I had no clue as to why she sent pics of the big snake.

After I sent her the text telling her to keep everything, she replied with a "Well, thank u" Not sure if that is sarcasm, as one can't read voice tones in text mails. :rolleyes:

I am hoping this doesn't continue.

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Change you E-mail account...NOW.

I seen women like that before I met the Hippy.

It is a game...she is bored and wants to be the one to tell you to bugger off...her ego.

She will lead you on till you think she ..realizes her mistake ..understands what a hell of a feller you are and wants you back....BUT as soon as you go back..she will slam the door proclaim victory and move on to the next fish.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Unfortunately, I screw up because I was raised a gentleman and to be polite. After my last posting, I have received one email concerning a 4th of July celebrate in some store on the east coast. To which I did not respond. I then received a text message sent to me from her work, asking two specific question. Since there were specific questions invovled I answered them. Being polite.

One of them concerned a surgery I am supposed to have, but for some reason has not yet happened. It should have happend 5 months ago(Lap Band surgery). After my simple reply, I got an email telling me that I need to call them, every hour, every day, till it gets done. That I have worked too hard to let them do that to me, and not to give up. :blink:

Okay, now the gentleman/nice guy in me thought about that one for two days. Trying to decide if I should answer it. Finally, I did. Kept it short and simple. I have taken steps, I haven't given up. I have lost weight.

That was sent at 7:15 on a Saturday morning, and I had an answer back in 45 minutes. That's Wonderfull!! <_< Good grief.

Then I get a text message while she is at a church camp for 10 days. Asking me if I know some lady she randomly met at the local post office where she is at. Who supposedly went to school with me 45 years ago in high school. Let's see, in a town 250 miles from my house, and 15 miles from where I went to school. Then she sent me a text message telling me about the church meeting. :blink:


For someone who wanted us to "move on", she sure doesn't seem to have done that herself. She left communicating up to me, and I have not excercised that option. So I guess she feels the need to nudge me.

Looks like call blocking is next on my list.

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