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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Ebony Or Rosewood For A Forarm Tip & Grip Cap.


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I have used Rosewood for a tip / cap in the past. I bought a 2"x2"x18" piece from a local custom cabinet shop. I've used it for 2 stocks thus far. So I have plenty left for another stock. However I would like to try something different. I found an online resource for Ebony. Is Ebony any harder to work than Rosewood? It's going to be used on a semi-fancy Walnut stock. I think Ebony would look better. I don't know if it is harder to shape and fit. Is there any special info I need to know before I commit? Thanks Ralph

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Both Rosewood and Ebony are about the same as far as workability. Personally, since both are very "oily" woods that don't adhere well with even epoxy. I use a couple a small diameter #10-24 or 1/4-20 steel or brass dowels and "slow set time" Dev-Con clear epoxy to attach them with.



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I've used ebony a couple times and found after a few months it seems to shrink a little more. :angry:

For what its worth. I've only had end cap come loose apx 10+ years ago. I reattached it using very light coats of contact cement, dried on all surfaces and used several drops of Elmer's Glue in the hole with wood dowel. Rough guestimate of 200 rds through since and it has stayed in place.


EDIT: I should add that mine has plastic spacer in between wood surfaces.

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  • 1 year later...

A little late,but I'm trying to catch up.I used a piece of Boise D'ark,osage orange,or horse apple,what ever you want to call it, for a fore-end,and it turned out beautiful. I have plenty if ya'll ever want to try it.

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