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Let's see we have Louis Farrakhan on one side and Colin Powell on the other all supporting Obama..but we are told "it is NOT about race"..hum..Powell is a creation of the GOP and a life long supporter, NOW we are told, he has problems with their nominations to the Court and THAT is why he is changing the views of a life time to support the Dem Obama!!!!!

Still he said it is NOT about race...: )



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You do a disservice to your fellow warrior, Karl.


If you check his biography, you'll find Powell was born in Harlem--what could be tougher than this, other than, perhaps, being born black in Mississippi?--and is a product of Army college ROTC.


You'll notice he wears the Combat Infantry Badge?


Powell is not "... a creation of the GOP."


He has, however, contributed his many talents to many Republican administrations.


All of which have benefitted from his contributions.


Powell's support of Obama is consistent with the sound judgment that has marked his career.



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Matter of fact ole fella I DO know about "my fellow warrior".

I read his book.


He saved the life of a fellow officer, a general, when a Hilo, I think it was a Huie, was shot down with both of them in it and he was OIC of the My Lai Massacre investigation.


After that he was transfered to the Pentagon where I think, but check me as I don't have the book handy, Dick Chaney became his Mentor.


He was an intelligent and hard working officer, and , with such a mentor, he quickly rose over more senior men to flag rank. Powell was an ROTC man and so was not a member of the WWPA, a graduate of West Point, for an ROTC man to make flag rank, not to mention Chairman takes lots of pull.


Powell was a GOOD "Chair" and I agree with his "Powell Doctrine"


Still. would say that his rise to power from Lt. col to General were definably enhanced by GOP patronage.


Now is he the ONLY officer to gain stars with the help of a "rabbi" hell no!


But you are expected to remember your friends.






I don't blame humans for being human.


If I were a black man, I would probably vote for Obama .

Remember how the Irish and Catholics felt about JFK?


Heck, if any Marine, except Murtha, was running for President, I would probably vote for him or her.

I just wish folks would be a bit less disingenuous.

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"Could it be he just thinks Obama is the better choice? I have friends I owe, but I'll be darned if I'd back them if they insisted on a continuation of failed policies. "


Failed policies?




Let's see.

The war against terror is being won despite Obama and the Dem's best or perhaps worst effort to lose it.


For Six years, with the GOP in control and the market is doing well, two years with Dem control of Congress and the street is in the tank.


So just what "failed policies" are we speaking of?


The major failures as I see it are on the left and Powell is smart, heck, he has to be smarter than I, I was never a general, If I can see that, he sure can.


"I have friends I owe, but I'll be darned if I'd back them if they insisted on a continuation of failed policies. "


Hum..so you only pay your debts when it pleases YOU to do so?


Or if in the extreme, you feel that honor and the good of the nation requires that you speak, why wait years, until two weeks before the elections to do so?


"Obama is the better choice?"


Let's look at that: Obama is a liberal politician, heck, I understand he was named "most liberal" with less then two years in the Senate and no record of Military service..that is NOT the sort of fella most military types I know look to with admiration. !!


Do I like or even approve of all the GOP has done?


No..from the border..to the war..to abolishing gun laws, to the gang of 14, I think, hell I know they could and should have done better..but no-one has yet shown me where Obama and the Liberals will not be far worse.



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Hear, hear, Karl.


I don't know what Powell is up to, but I do know it's not good.


It's clear to any rational American that Obama wants to limit freedom.


Powell must still be pissed-off about something - REALLY pissed-off.

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Now it seems that the good general is unhappy because Palin lacks the experience to be President.


Now let me understand this: Experience does NOT matter for Obama to be president, but it does for Palin to be VP???


Humm..I have figured this out.


Powell wants Obama to win, but if he said I voting for him because I would like to see a black president, that might make whites, who are not guilt ridden liberals, feel that it is OK to vote by color, since there are more whites than blacks, Obama would lose. Since Powell wants Obama to win he has to find a plausible cover story.



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A man who has bled for his country, sacrificed for her, has more love for her than the man who said:


“You know, the truth is that right after 9/11, I had a (flag) pin. Shortly after 9/11, particularly because as we’re talking about the Iraq war, that became a substitute for, I think, true patriotism, which is speaking out on issues that are of importance to our national security, I decided I won’t wear that pin on my chest.”


“And it's not surprising then that they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”


“I don't understand when people are going around worrying about, ‘We need to have English only.’ They want to pass a law, ‘We want just, uh, we want English only.’ Now, I agree that immigrants should learn English. I agree with that. But, but, understand this. Instead of worrying about whether, uh, immigrants can learn English - they'll learn English -- you need to make sure your child can speak Spanish. You should be thinking about how can your child become bilingual.”


“We can't drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times ... and then just expect that other countries are going to say OK. That's not leadership. That's not going to happen.”


bHo clearly wants the US to change based upon the whims of the world. America is not his love.



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Powell has always felt that diplomacy must truly be exhausted before military action can even be discussed.


As such he has more in line with Obama's stated policies of diplomacy than McCain's. Powell also advised against Iraq.


After the way Powell was treated by the GWBush administration I can't blame him for throwing in with the other party.



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This is going to sound bad, but do white-looking blacks have to over-do it on their blackness? Reverend White is a foaming at the mouth black liberation preacher, but he looks more white than black. Obama is half white, and talks in his book of trying to throw off his whiteness, and putting down his white grandma as a typical white person. Powell- well, he was a pretty boy gentleman general, not a gutsie general like Norman or Petraeus. I don't give a flip about Powell. Also, you seem to forget the speech Powell gave "proving" the WMDs of Iraq.

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“Apparently there is something about Sarah Palin that causes some people to think of her as either the best of candidates or the worst of candidates. She draws enthusiastic crowds and provokes visceral hostility in the media. The issue that is raised most often is her relative lack of experience and the fact that she would be ‘a heartbeat away from the presidency’ if Senator John McCain were elected. But Barack Obama has even less experience—none in an executive capacity—and his would itself be the heartbeat of the presidency if he were elected. Sarah Palin’s record is on the record, while whole years of Barack Obama’s life are engulfed in fog, and he has had to explain away one after another of the astounding and vile people he has not merely ‘associated’ with but has had political alliances with, and to whom he has directed the taxpayers’ money and other money. Sarah Palin has had executive experience—and the White House is the executive branch of government. We don’t have to judge her by her rhetoric because she has a record. We don’t know what Barack Obama will actually do because he has actually done very little for which he was personally accountable... Sarah Palin is the one real outsider among the four candidates for the presidency and vice-presidency on the Republican and Democratic tickets. Her whole career has been spent outside the Washington Beltway. More than that, her whole life has been outside the realm familiar to the intelligentsia of the media. She didn’t go to the big-name colleges and imbibe the heady atmosphere that leaves so many feeling that they are special folks. She doesn’t talk the way they talk or think the way they think. ... Whatever the shortcomings of John McCain and Sarah Palin, they are people whose values are the values of this nation, whose loyalty and dedication to this country’s fundamental institutions are beyond question because they have not spent decades working with people who hate America.” —Thomas Sowell



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This is from an email I got earlier this evening:


"Does anybody out there have any memory of the reason given for the establishment of the DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY during the Carter Administration? Anybody? Anything? No? Didn't think so. Bottom line . . we've spent several hundred billion dollars in support of an agency the reason for which not one person who reads this can remember.


Ready? It was very simple, and at the time e v e r y o n e thought it very appropriate.


The Department of Energy (located appropriately at 1000 Independance Ave ) was instituted 8-04-1977





I believe it...but is it true?

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Thanks, Tony. It's hard to get through the poopoo fog sometimes, but Sowell always does it well. I know Kenny has issues, but they are specific to the region. I have things that worry me here, so we disagree.


AK, do you have any insights on Stevens? I'd like to hear. He goes to jury manana.



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hey guys, just stoping by and thought i would give everyone an update. well ive decided to go to school! i graduated in may 2007 and didnt go to school for a year after that. i finally said ###### it and decided to pursue and education. i think alot of my problem was my friends, they were mostly roughnecks, i was working at a truck wash where even the managers never got a degree. in high school the only subjects i was good at was math and physical sciences. well i started hanging out with some higher class people and looked into the idea of going to school. after a while i decided on civil engineering and got in meeting with a head of civil engineering at the university of alabama. being from tuscaloosa and growing up a huge bama fan, auburn wasnt even an option. after my meeting, which took place in april of 2008, i learned i was to late to sighn up for classes in the fall, but there is a jr college here in town that would just have to meet my needs for the timebeing.


in june i had one of the biggest changes of my life. in june i lost my best friend. i quit my job the day after his funeral, and broke up with my girl friend a few days after that. i pretty much cut ties with most of my friends. i now make it a poit to only associate my self with other students. well as it stands now, i will start alabama in the spring and will be getting a double major in civil engineering, and construction engineering. i MIGHT change the construction to mechanical engineering.


long story short, im getting a couple degrees and im still pursuing my dream of making custom rifles one day, even if im only turning out one a month, working on the weekends, and giving them to friends for brithday and christmas gifts, one day my name will be associated with some of the finest crafted hunting rifles ever.


sorry for the spelling, ive alrady taken my sleepy medicine tonight.

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Mark Levin (free online to listen) 20 OCT broadcast about Colin Powell. He is right on the money about Powell. Obama, Messiah, lord pontificate. What the heck has he accomplished? Nothing! Zip! Vote for your commie and tell me how you all are great Americans!

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Clayton, I bet your parents are really proud of your decisions. Keep up the hard work and some day your children will share the same pride as your parents with their father's success. If you pursue the books with the same determination to have your name associated with fine custom rifles you will do well. Congratulations are definitely in order!!!


I was a bit bewildered as to why this thread re-appeared but I'm glad I scrolled all the way down to hear how well you're doing.

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You did good. A degree in any subject will improve your life. You will look at things differently, and even if you do not persue a career in your degree field, it will grease the skids in another.


When the economy tanked in the late 80's, the company I worked for decided to lay off a guy with several children. I volunteered to work part time if they kept him. The company went for it, and I worked part time for a number of years. During that time, I was in my 40's and went to school. When the economy picked up, the company put me on full time again. My boss had no idea what I had done while working part time.


One day he and I sat down and talked. I told him I wanted to change positions within the company. He said I should go to school and get an associates degree, or forget it. He had gotten his position without college, he always regretted not going, and recognized that opportunities for those without degrees had evaporated. I told him I had an AS, and he about fell out of his chair. We talked a little more, and he mentioned that he wished he could have gotten a bachelors. I told him I had two, one in philosophy and another in psychology. To say he was shocked would be an understatement.


Within a year or so, I had gotten a 20+% raise, increased benefits and percs. My old boss is still there working away, but I was able to retire at 55. My biggest job related problem right now is that after having partied for 19 months, I would like to find a part time job. I've been turning down full time offers.

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