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If The Commie Wins


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If the commie Obama wins I will not fly a 50 star American flag. I will fly historic American flags, esp. the 48 star flag. I will do this out of shame because of Americans that voted for Obama. I will also find out how to resign my commission in the Army, if I can do it before my three year tour is over.


People who know what Obama is are a disgrace to this nation.

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Tony, don't blame you one bit for being bitter. I'm relieved that at least we survived the night without giving the Dems a filibuster proof Senate. Apx 53% of the US populace have proved they are simply, stupid and believe the govt via the wealthy owe them a living.


I'm not the type to stick my nose in other's business but I'd really hate to see you resign your commission and hope you reconsider. The next 4 years are going to be tough for any US soldier. With Obama's promise of cutting defense spending 20%. The military will really need individuals that are not only dedicated to their profession but have true patriotic standards and moral convictions and will continue to provide the level of care to our uniformed men and women they are truly worthy of.

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I can't work for the creep. It may be a symbolic gesture, since the Army will probably make me serve out 3 years here. I have lost faith in a country that just chose Marxism over liberty. I feel most for my girls, who have to live with the fallout, just as we are living with the fiscal disaster from America's love affair with Clinton.

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from msn this morning...


"Hard choices and challenges follow triumph"

"Obama ran on platform of change — now he must spell out exactly how"


WTF?! it still amazes me people vote for a person because they're black, or they want "Change". were people not listening while he was campaigning? he spelled out how he was going to enact "Change". he'll tax those that work hard and make money, give it to fu@#ing low-life lazy pieces of S#!T, pull out of Iraq - letting it turn in to one huge terrorist training camp, take away your right to defend yourself from thieves and thugs... yeah, there's going to be "Change", alright...



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I turned in my resignation. I told my boss why. It didn't help that I have lousy leaders right now, but Obama pushed me over the edge. She tried to talk me out of it, but nope, my mind is made up. She is black. I told her she wouldn't like my response, but she told me to go ahead. I told her I won't willingly have a Marxist-socialist as a commander-in-chief, and I don't believe in what I'm doing anymore. She told me I probably have to stay in until July, 2010, even though I didn't sign any contract.

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I have really good news for you, Tony!


Obama isn't, by an reasonable definition of the words, a Marxist/Socialist!


That's just vicious propaganda that's been circulated by the war mongering war profiteering plutocrats in the Bush Administration.


It's true, though, that if you make more than $250,000 a year, under Obama--presuming he can get his tax plan through Congress--your income tax will go up.


Think of it, Tony. You'd be reduced to the mere upper-middle class. You might have to cut back on the Armani, Louis Vuitton, and Dom Perignon.


Why, you might have trouble paying for the gas in your Mustang!


Not to mention educating your daughters.


Now... if you don't make over $250,000 and you don't have enough time to get that sweet Federal pension and all those nice benefits, you might want to think about continuing your job.


Or you could come here, to beautiful California--it could be worse!--where the nurses have a very strong union, and start at about $60,000.


And with your experience, you'd be way ahead of the game.


And your daughters could go to a University of California campus, and get a really great education at taxpayers expense!


Whatever your choice, you can console yourself with the thought that a huge part of America is swollen with pride that this is the only nation on earth where a representative of a race brought in chains from Africa a mere couple of centuries ago is now, by the strong choice of the people, going to be President!



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I have really good news for you, Tony!


Obama isn't, by an reasonable definition of the words, a Marxist/Socialist!


That's just vicious propaganda that's been circulated by the war mongering war profiteering plutocrats in the Bush Administration.


It's true, though, that if you make more than $250,000 a year, under Obama--presuming he can get his tax plan through Congress--your income tax will go up.


Think of it, Tony. You'd be reduced to the mere upper-middle class. You might have to cut back on the Armani, Louis Vuitton, and Dom Perignon.


Why, you might have trouble paying for the gas in your Mustang!


Not to mention educating your daughters.


Now... if you don't make over $250,000 and you don't have enough time to get that sweet Federal pension and all those nice benefits, you might want to think about continuing your job.


Or you could come here, to beautiful California--it could be worse!--where the nurses have a very strong union, and start at about $60,000.


And with your experience, you'd be way ahead of the game.


And your daughters could go to a University of California campus, and get a really great education at taxpayers expense!


Whatever your choice, you can console yourself with the thought that a huge part of America is swollen with pride that this is the only nation on earth where a representative of a race brought in chains from Africa a mere couple of centuries ago is now, by the strong choice of the people, going to be President!



What kind of aprick are you? The people bho is supposed to stand up for are americans and no one else, his folks had nothing to do with any body in chains any more than mine did!!!
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I was told add disclaimers to my resignation. I did it, and turned it in again. As far as I'm concerned, there's a thin swath of states that deserve the lives of the U.S. military, and the rest don't deserve anything.



In his memoir Dreams From My Father, Barack Obama admits that he chose his friends carefully.

"To avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully. The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists."


If you say he is not a socialist, then tell me he is not a thief. He takes from one, against his will, and giveth it unto another. I guess it isn't socialized medicine he is pushing either, is it? It's not government control of industry either?


Government, government, government, government


Flaco, I never really know if you are shaking my hand or stabbing me. I'm guessing that's the intent.

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Flaco, I never really know if you are shaking my hand or stabbing me. I'm guessing that's the intent.


Maybe he's just pulling your chain.

Some people I know like to do that sort of thing.

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... As far as I'm concerned, there's a thin swath of states that deserve the lives of the U.S. military, and the rest don't deserve anything.


not true. look at a county map instead. there are many, many right-thinking people who don't end up with a state-wide voice. the county maps are much redder than the state maps.

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Could you provide a link on that?


"Obama ventured to the East Village (Manhattan's Upper East Side) for what he called, 'the socialist conferences I sometimes attended at Cooper Union.'"


I've got something to say to Flaco- I can stick the truth right under your nose, but you don't care. I've noticed you disappear when you are on the spot. You can choose to be a Tory, or you can choose to be faithful to the Constitution and the principles of Liberty. I've seen many democrats that will figuratively slit your throat for being a conservative, but never the other way around. I'm tired of it, and I'm fighting back.


Charlie Rose

MEACHAM: You know, they don't let him out. And have you ever seen a victory speech where there was no one else on stage?


ROSE: Mmm.


MEACHAM: No adoring wife, no cute kid. He is the messenger.


THOMAS: There is a slightly creepy cult of personality about all this. I mean, he's such an admirable --


ROSE: Slightly. Creepy. Cult of personality.




ROSE: What's slightly creepy about it?


THOMAS: It -- it -- it just makes me a little uneasy that he's so singular. He's clearly managing his own spectacle. He's a deeply manipulative guy.


RUSH: Good grief, I can't... I mean, I believe it, but I can't believe it. They know all this! They knew all this before the election. I even made this point yesterday. I've never seen an acceptance speech where the family is not there, bring the wife and kids out in the weird looking dress; send her backstage, get rid of the kids and go out and make the speech, big crowds, manipulative. These are the people swooning all over this guy during the campaign. Now they're setting this up 'cause they don't know what he's going to do, or they're worried that they do know what he's going to do, and they're just concerned. There's one more here. This is the final exchange. Charlie Rose, Evan Thomas, Jon Meacham.


ROSE: Watching him last night in that speech, he finishes --




ROSE: -- and he sort of -- it's almost like he then ascends to look at the circumstance.


MEACHAM: He watches us watching him.


THOMAS: Watching him!


ROSE: Exactly!


THOMAS: He does --


MEACHAM: It's amazing.


ROSE: It is amazing.


THOMAS: He writes about this metaphor being a screen upon which Americans will project. He said they want of Barack Obama; I'm not sure I am Barack Obama.


ROSE: Mmm!


THOMAS: He had -- he has the self-awareness to know that this creature he's designed isn't necessarily a real person, and he's self-aware enough --


ROSE: Ahhhhhh!



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We all have conflicts, Tony, between the idealistic and pragmatic.


In some cases, they're hard to resolve.


I have no idea how far you are--in terms of years--from Federal retirement, but it's something you've contributed to and earned, and I would hope you'd stick around long enough to enjoy it.


Wounded G.I.s need guys like you.


As to Obama, there's no doubt that he's made a career of work that helps others while helping himself.


I agree that he's largely untested.


Still, Barack Obama has an analytical mind and he's an abstract thinker.


You guys talk about the Constitution, but, well...Obama taught Constitutional Law at Chicago Law School for 10 years.


When it comes to the Constitution, you don't have the credentials to have a conversation with this man.


And neither does Rush Limbaugh, who should have gone to a penitentiary years ago for drug abuse.


He's a junkie.


My most important point has been made by history: Eight years of George W. Bush have brought this once-proud nation to it's knees.


(Although it's fun to read that Rush is already calling this the "Obama Depression." Hey, I need a laugh once in a while.)


Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama.


(As an aside, while I respect Karl and his Semper Fi! tradition, call me a fool for thinking Karl would be lucky--and proud--to be in Colin Powell's Honor Guard.)


The harsh evidence shows--and I'm reluctant to mention this, as there are many here I truly enjoy, and count among my friends--that John McCain found his greatest support among high school or lower educated rural white males, especially evangelical Christians.


This is a shrinking demographic.


Sarah Palin is an ignoramus.


While it is true that Al Gore won more than 500,000 more popular votes than George W. Bush, but lost in electoral votes, Obama won by a significant majority of popular votes.


The people have spoken, and they don't want to see anything other than the hind end of George W. Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Ashcroft, Gonzales, Bolton, and anyone who has ever called himself a neo-conservative.


It wasn't even close Tony.


Let me put it in these harsh terms: The American people have chosen a Harvard educated negro liberal, and really, really, want to see George W. Bush, and anyone supported by Rush Limbaugh and right wing--I'd use the word conservative here, but conservatives want a balanced budget--media pundits enjoy a happy retirement on the ranch of their choice.


Personally, I be happiest if you hang in there in the US Army, taking good care of wounded G.I.s, and retired in Texas.


Or any state of your choice, other than California.



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Hello flaco.


"As an aside, while I respect Karl and his Semper Fi! tradition, call me a fool for thinking Karl would be lucky--and proud--to be in Colin Powell's Honor Guard.)"


I won't call you a fool as don't think you are. I think that you are an honest fella, that I disagree with.


But I would not be in Powell's honor guard, unless I was ordered to be.


I don't respect the man.


As for Palin and her IQ, well, attacks on the intelligence of people on the right are standard issue for the left.


As the left seems to take as an article of faith that anyone who disagrees with the progressive view has to be stupid.


You will, I think, see the lady again and the left knows and fears the next meeting, which is why she is being attacked.


As far as McCain goes, I was wrong, I should have voted for Keyes.


"The American people have chosen a Harvard educated negro liberal"


It was only about half of the American People who chose Obama. This gives me hope that all is not lost.


As for Rush Limbaugh going to jail for being a "junkie" ...I seem to recall Obama saying that he "experimented" with coke.

Last I heard that was a crime..perhaps they can be cellmates???? : )


As for teaching the Constitution , Obama has only been teaching it for ten years and one is given to wonder how much of that time he spent in the classroom.


I have been teaching Constitution for 21 years.


I can argue it with Obama as can any American who reads it.


The Constitution was NOT meant to be complex:


The Constitution does three things:


It sets up a controlled federal government based on the concept of social contract.


It acknowledges that government by its nature tries to grow by feeding on the liberty of the people and so controls that

government growth by separation of powers and checks and balances.


Even that control was not seen as enough of a safeguard which is why the Bill of Rights was added.


"that John McCain found his greatest support among high school or lower educated rural white males, especially evangelical Christians.


This is a shrinking demographic."


If they are a "a shrinking demographic." than I truly fear for the future of this nation as they are "demographic" who as a group most bleed and died to save us from our foes Indians to commies to Islamic terrorists.



If that "demographic" is shrinking you had best learn to speak Chinese.


The sons of the educated and the elite are more often found "in the rear with the gear' if they are found in the field at all.

Mostly the "intellectuals" are found well protected behind the ramparts of academia braving political protests at home but ONLY if the school gives them amnesty. One cannot put ones' future at risk, can one?



Recall, if you will, the fate of Rome when the simple Roman farmer was replaced by the urbanized sophisticate.


take care






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I can argue it with Obama as can any American who reads it.


The Constitution was NOT meant to be complex


anybody can argue the constitution, but that does not mean they understand it. or are contributing anything but misunderstanding when they do so. sure, the constitution was not meant to be complex, and it really isn't, but that doesn't mean it is simple or easy. recall it was written by educated men of the enlightenment and lawyers. not davy crockett; he served in the legislature. and as you should know, the constitution is only a small part of constitutional law here in our common-law nation. the keysone, to be sure, but one needs to cite more than the constitution when convincing a judge these days.


I am sure you do understand the constitution, but "any American" joe blow almost certainly does not have a working knowledge of it. just like I almost certainly cannot usefully argue the finer points of whatever it is joe blow does for a living.

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Hello plumbum


I disagree.


The Constitution was made for the American people and anyone who can read a decent history book, can with a bit of effort, understand its meaning and intent.


Now I think that you are right about "Constitutional Law" that is a different animal.


That is professional legal hair splittng..angels on the head of a pin stuff at its most arcane.


I would NOT try to argue that,"Constitutional Law, before a Federal Judge but would retain the best legal scholar as an attorney I could afford.


But that is all post facto of the writing of the Constitution and not part, IMHO, of the framers intent.


All that *&&^% starts with Jefferson wanting to spite Adams and therefore going along with Marshal pulling his the "court interprets the law ' power grab.


Take care


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