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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

Little Lady Gets Her First Deer


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Gentlemen, I've got one heck of a hunting buddy now. We hunted all day Friday in 30 degree weather with about a 7mph constant wind and walked close to 4 miles and never once did she say "let’s go home". I almost begged her to call it a day but she would not have it. We managed to see 4 does Friday evening that presented a shot, but she just wasn't confident enough.


Saturday morning, we got up around 6 am and headed back out. Riding the 4-wheeler to the top of the ridge, I spotted a small buck making his way towards the well road. I quickly parked the bike and loaded her gun and she got into position. The buck, a small fork horn, presented a quick shot, but she didn't get settled quickly enough on him. We continued to walk about a mile on top of the ridge to a peak that overlooks some mixed woods and pasture, seeing about 10 more deer but no close shots. It was getting very cold and windy at this point so we walked back off the ridge to the bike and looked over a brushy field. I had just raised my hand and pointed to our other farm that was visible from where we stood when a hunter on adjoining property spooked 3 does our way. Two of them turned and ran the opposite way when they spotted us, but this little doe didn't get the memo. It stayed in the brush for what seemed like an hour, and then calmly took two steps out into the open and presented itself at 80 yards. The pictures speak for themselves. The .223 spoke once and she harvested her first deer. She made a tough shot through a ton of tall grasses and small saplings, and promptly took out both lungs. I was extremely proud of her; one could have not asked for a better hunt.


This has been the best season I've ever experienced. I have not fired a shot, saw many deer (numbers are crazy low due to the hard winter last year), or saw a shooter buck, but I have enjoyed every minute of it. Seeing Kara take her first deer and the smile that she had on her face was priceless. She's already asking when we can go again.

These pictures crack me up every time I look at them, 10 layers later (no joke) she looks and walks like a penguin but I have to admit, I should take a few lessons from her due to I about froze to death Saturday!





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Way to stick it out and great shot. So what is your first kill tradition?


Ours is taking the tenderloins out, butterfly cut them and sauteeing in olive oil and fresh mushrooms with a bottle of wine or mead for that nights dinner to toast the hunt and the bounty.


I and my son will be out Saturday in some cold and snowy stuff (forecast anyway). My wife made mention she wanted to come along. She will not hunt, but she said she would bring along a book for the sitting part... We will see.



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