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Military Firearm Restoration Corner

If You Could Have Anything What Would You Laser Etch On Your Stock


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Hey guys, the son of a friend (20 something) is a graphic artist with a laser etching machine.

He is interested in etching stocks for fun and profit. He has asked me for some ideas and if I'm willing to provide any stocks for free etching practice.


I have some take off stocks for the practice.


My first thought was if checkering could be successfully be done with laser etching. For all I know checking may be a whole different animal from etching a scene on the butt-stock.

I'm looking to you guys for Ideas, patterns, links to whatever concerning laser etching.



Looking forward to what you guys come up with.


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  • 1 month later...

Hey guys, the son of a friend (20 something) is a graphic artist with a laser etching machine.

He is interested in etching stocks for fun and profit.


So what ever happened with this?

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  • 4 years later...

Most of the guns I currently have were inherited from elders in my family. My brother lost a daughter a few years back and on her urn (its oak) he had her picture engraved. So I'm thinking for someone who is inheriting the gun , it could be a cool memorial to have the deceased persons picture engraved on the stock. 

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